Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September Happenings

Right after posting my last update I received a phone call from my parents that changed my focus for the rest of this last month. I am now able to go to Mexico for our family vacation, and I couldn't be happier. A full week of fishing for big game fish, both on the fly and with conventional tackle. Intermingled with surf fishing, hanging out with my brothers on the beach, and snorkeling (hopefully a little scuba) in the Sea of Cortez.

My hopes are that I will be able to have an even more enjoyable time than I am getting myself psyched to have.

After the first week of no work, I was able to pick up a few trips here and there. The dry fly fishing has been slowly fading into obscurity for the season for me. And it has caused me to have to revert to bobber watching.

For dries, small ant like bugs (mombas, triple doubles, and double uglies) seem to be working the best. With the purple triple double excelling at low light.

And nymphs, a deep gunga rig with assorted small emergers and bead head nymphs up top. And strangely enough, a deep rig with a small black wooly bugger trailed by a juju baetis seems to be working well.

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