Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weekend with Kristof (Well not on a weekend per say): Revised Edition

I didn't like the way an earlier post looked. So I decided to change it up a bit.

A couple weeks ago a good friend and I got to get some good fishing in. It was a lot of fun having Kristof out here to do a little fishing. The Green had started to run high on May. 11th, and since Kris was coming out to fish the 12th and 13th, we settled on a couple other places.
We'll call the location of The first day's madness "Secret Location X", we will call it "X" for short. For his graduation I helped his parents pick out a 9'0" 5wt. Scott G2 rod, and then I bought him a Flyrise reel by Ross Worldwide, and a Rio Gold Fly Line from the shop.  And naturally I felt that the perfect way to devirginize his new fly rod on some really big fish, so off we went to sight nymph "X". Kris had multiple fish on landing a few, and catching the first Sucker that I have seen on a fly rod. All in all a good time.
The next day Kris, Brandon, and I went to Jones' Hole by way of Vernal. We had a good little breakfast in Vernal, and then hauled butt up the mountain to go and fish Joner's. When we got there we heard the magical song of Cicada's in the Tree's. We had a good day, multiple good fish caught. Including, my two best out of the stream since I was 17 or 18 (pics to be uploaded soon). 
And as always we got to see some absolutely incredible scenery in the Joner's canyon.

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